Whether you have a stable job or are looking for work, having a new stream of income will always be welcome. One of the best ways to make money is to work as a freelancer. For many 9-to-5 employees, freelance work not only augmented their income, it was also the...
If you’ve been sitting on the fence about digital marketing in 2020, it’s time to get off it and start your digital strategy in 2021. Investing in digital marketing is no longer a question of “If” and “Why”, but rather, “When” and “How”. For your business to...
While many people welcomed 2021 as the year to start over fresh and recover from the difficulties of 2021, there are those who believe that the new year is just a continuation of the events of the previous year. To an extent these people are correct. We should...
For many entrepreneurs, 2020 was not a great year. It will be remembered as the year a virus caused a pandemic that shut down the world and changed the way we lived and worked. Since 2014 there has been a steady shift toward Internet-based businesses that...
For sure you’ve read all the stories about the number of businesses around the world that have closed down because of the economic effects of the global pandemic. The media tends to report more “gloom and doom” because it sells. The truth is, there were a good number...