As a marketer, your job is to help clients find revenue-generating opportunities by promoting their businesses through a combination of digital-based channels and traditional marketing methods. Strategic marketing has been proven to be effective in building a...
Writing came easy for you in school. The teacher would give you a list of topics to choose from. All you had to do was pick one and write about it. Now you have a business and you’re well aware of how important content marketing is to generate interest in your...
If you want your content to be king, you have to do keyword research, otherwise, it might end up as a pauper on the Internet. Unless your content includes the right keywords, it won’t matter if you got Christianne Amanpour to write your business blog, no one will read...
One reason why email marketing generates high ROI is that it gets your content directly in the inbox of your target audience. The newsletter is the primary type of content for an email marketing campaign. There’s a high probability of your newsletter getting...
The most basic definition of digital marketing is that it’s the process of promoting brands and businesses on the Internet through the use of various digital online channels, tools, and techniques. Thus, if you’re posting blogs on your website and sharing them...
You’ve been blogging for months but the results have been underwhelming. There’s traffic to your website but you haven’t converted interest into sales. You’re frustrated because it takes 2-4 hours to write these blogs and you’re not generating income for your...