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Mountaintop Web Design Named as one of Top Web Designers and Developers in Colorado by Clutch

Mountaintop Web Design Named as one of Top Web Designers and Developers in Colorado by Clutch

Our team at Mountaintop Web Design just received some exciting news from Clutch Analyst, Jake Cox! He just called to let us know that internationally renowned B2B rating and review platform, Clutch, named us as one of Colorado’s top agencies for 2020, praising our web design! We value when we’re recognized as a great investment for your business. According to Clutch, amongst all providers in Colorado, we’re consistently one of the best based on Clutch’s research!

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4 Design Trends To Boost Conversion

4 Design Trends To Boost Conversion

What makes a website successful? What metric determines whether a company’s central online representative does the job it was designed to do?
That’s a surprisingly easy question to answer. A successful website gets the visitor to do what the site owner wants them to do.
This is called “conversion.” The term most typically refers to converting a visitor into a paying customer, but there are other types of conversion as well. For instance, if a website offers a newsletter, a conversion also occurs when a visitor subscribes to the mailing list.

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How To Make Your Own Facebook Messenger Bot In 10 Minutes

How To Make Your Own Facebook Messenger Bot In 10 Minutes

Chatbots were created to make it easier and more convenient for customers to interact with businesses.
Rather than deal with a human who may not provide the right answers because of duress, lack of preparation, or poor communication skills, customers can interact with a chatbot that has the answers to everything.

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What Is A/B Email Testing And Why Is It Important For Marketers?

What Is A/B Email Testing And Why Is It Important For Marketers?

Email marketing has been proven an effective online process and should be a mainstay in your digital marketing toolbox. Like a pot of brewed Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee, you can mess it up if you don’t perform A/B Email Testing.
All of the hard work and time spent generating those valuable leads will go to waste if your email marketing campaign has no direction. A/B Email Testing will ensure your campaigns are targeted with laser precision and all resources are maximized.

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What Is Technical SEO?

What Is Technical SEO?

Technical SEO may sound like a complicated topic. To a degree, it is because Technical SEO involves the development of your website. However, it’s important to understand and learn its basics so that you’ll know there are other ways to improve your website’s search rankings in addition to basic SEO.

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5 Homepage Design Strategies for Information Websites

5 Homepage Design Strategies for Information Websites

Informational websites exist primarily to communicate with visitors, as opposed to actively enabling transactions. While the material they provide often contains some call to action, their main goal is to provide useful, engaging information.

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What Is Caching And Why Is It Important For Your WordPress Website?

What Is Caching And Why Is It Important For Your WordPress Website?

Site speed is a very important search ranking factor. Internet users aren’t a patient lot. A well-referenced study by Akamai revealed that 40% of people will abandon the search if the website takes longer than 3 seconds to load. Caching is a form of technology that will help your website load really fast and encourage visitors to explore your content.

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How Often Should You Backup Your WordPress Website?

How Often Should You Backup Your WordPress Website?

When you have a WordPress website for your business, it’s easy to fall into complacency. After all, a WordPress website can do everything for your business. WordPress has the best Content Management System (CMS) to help build your brand. You might have chatbots or an outsourced remote team to manage customer service. Your e-commerce portal assures you that the cash registers can ring 24/7 and a database that collects valuable customer information.

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How To Create Content For SEO

How To Create Content For SEO

If you ask 2 different writers about how to create content for SEO, you will get 2 different answers. Ask a few more content writers and you’ll likely get variations of how to create SEO content.
Why are there so many different approaches to SEO? Copyblogger described SEO as quite possibly the most misunderstood concept of Digital Marketing. The reason for this is that SEO has exploded in popularity in the past few years.

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10 Must-Have Tools For SEO Content Writers

10 Must-Have Tools For SEO Content Writers

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has continued to gain popularity over the years because it helps businesses maximize the returns on their digital marketing investment. SEO has become the difference-maker for content writers.
Writing online content means writing for your customers. For your efforts to yield results, your content must be searchable on the Internet.
As most entrepreneurs have learned, being an expert in your field is not enough to ensure your website’s ranking in the search results. For your valuable information to be found, it must be optimized.

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Google Analytics For Intermediates

Google Analytics For Intermediates

We all know that digital marketing has many advantages over traditional marketing. Digital marketing is more efficient; online-based marketing strategies have a wider reach and scope compared to traditional marketing strategies. Online content can be reused and repurposed making it more sustainable than flyers, newspaper ads, and streamers. Perhaps the biggest advantage of digital over old school traditional methods is that having a website as the centerpiece of your marketing strategy allows you to track performance in real-time via Google Analytics.

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5 Reasons That Prove Now Is The Best Time To Become An Entrepreneur

5 Reasons That Prove Now Is The Best Time To Become An Entrepreneur

As the world prepares to face life under the “New Normal”, our news feed is packed with stories of companies closing down or streamlining costs by laying off their employees. And the number of people who lost their jobs because of the Covid-19 pandemic is quite staggering.
In the month of April alone, 20 million Americans were laid off. The U.S. unemployment rate hit 14.4%; the highest level since the Great Depression.

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5 Practical Ways To Manage Top Talent In Your Company

5 Practical Ways To Manage Top Talent In Your Company

Good people are hard to come by. In a competitive industry, once you find top talent, you must do what you can to retain them. Otherwise, they will leave and potentially end up with your competitor.
Retaining top talent not only helps you consistently deliver results and maintain the quality of output but it also lowers the cost of employee turnover which is estimated at 2.5 times the cost of an employee’s salary.

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8 Ways To Fix Cart Abandonment Problems

8 Ways To Fix Cart Abandonment Problems

If you’re a retailer, shifting to or integrating an online business model such as setting up an e-commerce website is a smart move. Consumers are increasingly becoming more dependent on mobile technology to fulfill their everyday needs.
From US $2.3 Trillion to US $3.5 Trillion global sales, e-commerce is projected to hit US $6.5 Trillion in 2023. In the United States, e-commerce accounts for 10% of total sales in retail.
What this means is that e-commerce is still a growing industry!

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Why You Need Wordfence For Your WordPress Website

Why You Need Wordfence For Your WordPress Website

The number of cyber-attacks continues to increase every year. According to a study by Accenture, security breaches have increased by 67% since 2014. Meanwhile, another study from the University of Maryland revealed that hackers attack every 39 seconds.
Cybercrime has become a lucrative “profession” with the industry estimated to have earned US $1.5 Trillion in profits.

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Why Small Businesses Need Digital Marketing Now More Than Ever

Why Small Businesses Need Digital Marketing Now More Than Ever

At the time of this writing, businesses are preparing to come out of a government-imposed quarantine period. As you prepare for your business to reopen, one of your key strategies should be to invest in digital marketing because the “new normal” has created new opportunities that you can capitalize on.

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7 Tips for Successful SaaS Landing Page Design

7 Tips for Successful SaaS Landing Page Design

In the world of Software as a Service (SaaS), first impressions often matter more than you would think. With so many other companies out there working on solving the same problems, you usually have a limited window to impress your visitors. This is where the importance of clever and converting landing page design in SaaS comes in.

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10 Online Businesses You Can Start From Home – Right Now

10 Online Businesses You Can Start From Home – Right Now

Like everyone else around the world, you’re probably reading this article while quarantined at home to keep you safe from the coronavirus. It’s great to have more time with the family but work stoppages and businesses shutting down during the quarantine period is not good for your financial health.

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