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10 Best Podcasts To Listen To During The Commute
Whether you’re stuck in traffic or headed off to a long drive, it would make the journey more pleasant when you have something to listen to. Sure, having your favorite singer blaring in your headset or the car’s sound system provides a welcome respite from the monotony of the moment. But why not use the time to jumpstart your knowledge, pick up new ideas, or stay updated on the latest developments by listening to a podcast during the commute?
How to Be Effective as a Solopreneur
Keeping on top of all the assignments that stem from running a company can be challenging – even when you have a whole support system behind you. But when you’re a solopreneur, it all comes down to how much you can accomplish on your own. For the most part, this means maximizing your effectiveness and minimizing distractions.
5 Challenges That Face Small Business In 2020
In a survey on small business conducted by Guidant Financial, it was revealed that 27% of Americans were more encouraged to transition from corporate life and begin a career as a small business owner.
How to Be a Good Leader When Your Team is Pressed with Deadlines
Every leader has their own version of what the word “good” will mean for them.
As will every employee.
Being a good leader is about more than getting good results – it’s also about team happiness, efficiency, and productivity.
But when your team is faced with a tight deadline, your role as their leader changes, too.
Here is how you can adapt to the situation and still make the most of it.
Why You Should Audit A Business’s Online Presence Before You Purchase It
With the Internet accessible to more than 4.5 billion people or 58% of the world’s population, it will be hard to stay hidden for long. News websites, content aggregators, and Internet users regularly upload or share information that captures their interest.
What Can Overseas Small Businesses Learn From The History Of American Small Business?
Is it surprising that 98% of all businesses registered worldwide are categorized as a small business? The definition of what constitutes a small business may vary from one country to another but the characteristics are the same. In comparison to larger-scale enterprises, small businesses generate smaller revenues, have fewer employees, and operate on a limited scale.
What US Businesses Can Learn From Asian Small Businesses
Since we started Mountaintop Web Design, we have made a conscious effort to seek out the best talent available to help us provide top-notch, world-class services to our clients.
Talent is never the monopoly of one country or one region. In a truly globalized economy and with the scope and reach of the Internet, you can access talent from different parts of the world. Collaborating with people from other nations and cultures has been a rewarding and enriching experience for us.
How To Identify Your Target Market
Identifying your target market is not a one-time thing. You must find ways to stay updated on your market because the key demographics can change abruptly and without warning.
If you ignore the “warning signs” and maintain your current practices and policies, the content you produce will be rendered ineffective and obsolete.
Outsourcing PPC Campaign Management: 6 Factors You Need to Consider
If you have made it to 2019 without ever doing a PPC campaign, and have been thriving as well, you can consider yourself very lucky.
12 Ways To Market Your Business For Free Or At The Lowest Cost
For your business to grow, you must market and promote it. There are no ifs and buts. How will people know about your business if you stay silent or remain invisible? Especially in highly competitive industries – think logistics, retail, automotive, and technology – you have to be seen or heard to remain top-of-mind of your target market.
How To Use Facebook Messenger To Grow Your Business
Have you received a message through Facebook Messenger from an FB Business Page that you follow? And if so, how did you feel and react when you received the message? Chances are you read the message through. After all, why would you follow a Facebook Business page if you weren’t interested in what they were offering?
5 Advantages Of Managed WordPress Hosting For Your Business
Would you trust your Mercedes Benz or BMW to any roadside mechanic or would you rather bring it to a repair shop that specializes in those brands of automobiles? Your website is like a car – used properly it will help drive your business forward. Unlike a car that depreciates over time, your website will continually add value to your business. Thus, if you want your website to perform optimally, you should have it hosted by a platform that specializes in its system.
7 Simple Tips To Help Small Businesses Create Effective Ads
Small business owners can benefit greatly from an advertising campaign. A well-conceptualized ad can increase awareness about your business, generate interest in your products and services, and initiate a purchasing decision from a consumer.
Should Your Business Charge Extra For Credit Card Payments?
The popularity of the use of credit cards grew alongside the development of technology and telecommunications. As innovations in electronic payment systems improved, so did the confidence of retailers to accept the credit card as a method of payment.
How Digital Marketing Can Help Non-Profit Organizations Meet Their Goals
Having a website in combination with the right digital marketing tools and processes will help spread the message of non-profit organizations while effectively addressing the challenges they face.
How To Find More Quality Time And Be Productive
Everyone can be productive. But productivity won’t happen by itself. You have to make it happen.
This is the reason why time management is one of the most sought-after skills. If you have the ability to find more quality time, you will be productive.
Why “I Don’t Have Time” Is The Reason Your Business Is Not Succeeding
For sure you have heard people respond with “I don’t have time” whenever they are asked why business is struggling or why their career trajectory has stalled. Some of them could be your friends or family members.
How To Build Your Own Website In 4 Easy Steps
Designing and building your own website will give you a better understanding of what goes into website design. If you are on a tight budget, building your own website might be your best option to have one for your business.
How To Use Your Website To Build A Profitable Business
Investing in a website is a smart first step to building a profitable business. In fact, you are already several steps ahead of the 45% of businesses that still don’t have a website.
Now that you have taken the first step, what is the next step?
5 Reasons Why You Need A Professional Email Address
Email remains the most important medium of communication. It is fast, easy, and very convenient especially in this day and age of mobile technology. You can check your email anywhere and in any place. All you need is an Internet connection.