Does Having A Website Help You Get A Marketing Job?

by | Oct 18, 2022 | Marketing, Website Design

As a marketer, your job is to help clients find revenue-generating opportunities by promoting their businesses through a combination of digital-based channels and traditional marketing methods.


Strategic marketing has been proven to be effective in building a business’s brand, creating more awareness about a company’s products and services, and enhancing the company’s reputation in the industry.


Collectively, these benefits will widen the reach of the business for new markets and open up streams of revenue. 


When it comes to strategy, you must have a central hub for operations on the Internet where all of your online efforts can bear fruit. The same can be said for your efforts to find work as a marketer.


Take your own advice and set up a website to help you get a marketing job.


How A Website Can Help You Get A Marketing Job


You know what you need to do to get your knowledge, experience, and skills noticed in the job market. But so do other job seekers who want to get hired as the new Marketing Officer, Marketing Manager, Chief Marketing Officer, or Head Marketing Manager of their target companies.


Most of them believe a rockstar resume and an active social media presence are enough to make noise. 


If you want to stand out from the crowd, take your job search efforts one step higher by investing in a website for your Marketing profession.

Website.That .Will .Grow .Your .Business

1. A Website Proves Your Commitment to Your Profession

If you were the recruiter, how would you feel if the candidate you’re interviewing told you that he set up an office to organize his work? 

It doesn’t matter if it’s a home office, a concierge office, or a virtual office. The bottom line is that he invested to have an office to represent his profession. For sure, you would be impressed! 

Having an office proves your commitment to your career. You want a place where people – clients, customers, and industry associates – can sit down and meet with you.

The website is your office on the Internet with its URL as the business address. If people want to learn about you and what you can do as a marketer, all they have to do is to click on your URL and they’ll end up on your landing page.

For someone in the marketing profession, we recommend having a website with the following pages:

  • Home Page – The main landing page where visitors will be greeted with your BVP or Brand Value Proposition or a catchy tagline. Embed an explainer video or client testimonials from your YouTube channel.

  • Services – Lists down the types of marketing services you offer.

  • About Me – Create a connection with the site visitor by summarizing the “Why” or your purpose for becoming a Marketer. 

  • Portfolio – Highlight the marketing projects you’ve done for clients. Include links to websites and analytics reports that prove your effectiveness as a Marketer.

  • Blog Page – Share your knowledge, thoughts, and opinions on everything related to marketing through well-written blogs. Publish optimized blogs as proof you’re an expert in SEO. 

  • Contact Page – Provide updated information on how interested parties can contact you. Include your current business address, phone number, and email address.

An overlooked advantage of having a website is having your own domain address for your email. 

You’ll agree that [email protected] is more impressive than [email protected]

2. The Spotlight Will Only Be on YOU

You know how important it is for businesses to stay active on social media. Chances are, you’ve advised clients to set up business pages on 2 to 3 social media networks and to publish at least 1 post on each platform every day. 

Social media remains one of the most popular activities on the Internet. With consistency, purposeful content creation, and a well-thought-out campaign, you can amass a wealth of followers on each business page.

However, social media’s biggest draw is also its biggest flaw. With a large number of users, comes stiff competition. You won’t be the only business your audience is looking for. 

Having a website for your profession shines the spotlight solely on YOU. When someone clicks on your URL, he will find out about your expertise and achievements as a marketer. You won’t be sharing the spotlight with anyone else.

The key here is to get the Internet user to click on your URL. This is where your marketing savvy comes to play. We’re sure you know what to do but allow us to list down possible strategies you can implement:

  • Optimize Your Website – To optimize your website means making it easier to search, navigate, and use for visitors. If you’re not sure how to do it – give us a call or drop us an email. At Mountaintop, we make sure our clients’ websites are optimized. 

How? All our websites are designed to be mobile-responsive, fast, and free of errors such as status code errors, broken links, duplicate title tags, and meta descriptions. 

  • Optimize Your Content – Publishing great online content isn’t only about creating well-researched articles with perfect grammar and spelling. It must be optimized with the right keywords to help the search engine bots find and index your content. 

  • Mix Up Your Content Marketing Strategy – Blogs are proven effective in driving website traffic. But don’t just settle for blogs. Mix up your content marketing strategy by using other forms of content for delivery. 

For example, produce high-quality videos and images for your YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter channels. People love infographics because they are fun and easy to read.

A potential employer who clicks on your URL will have first-hand experience with how effective you are as a marketer. After all, he could have picked any other website but instead chose yours! 

3. Build Your Brand Value Proposition (BVP)

A Brand Value Proposition (BVP) is a short statement that tells potential customers/clients why they should patronize a brand over its competitors. One of your key responsibilities for a client is to create an effective BVP for his business.

Therefore, if a potential client is impressed by your BVP as a marketer, there’s a good chance he’ll make an inquiry to find out if you can create one for his business.

The website is an effective medium for showcasing your BVP. Why?

  • Fast – Once a potential client clicks on your URL, he will end up on your homepage within seconds. The homepage is the preferred location for your BVP.

  • Highly visible – The BVP is situated in the top-third of the homepage; usually right below the banner or title/name of your website. 

  • Enticing – A BVP can be made more enticing by great design. A web designer can use a large-size font style in combination with images or graphics to drive the message of your BVP more emphatically.

All businesses need a solid BVP in order to stay ahead of the competition. The homepage is like a billboard that features your BVP.

4. Generate Leads

Recruiters, hiring managers, and other HR professionals routinely scour social media platforms and job placement websites to look for talent. Even if HR isn’t actively hiring, it will find ways to grow its database of potential talent for future hiring activities.

Since you’re in the marketing profession, we’re assuming that you have a LinkedIn profile. An HR officer who comes across your profile and sees that you have a website will surely click on your URL to learn more about you.

Get ready to welcome HR officers to your website by adding multiple Calls-to-Action (CTA) on the homepage, services, blog page, and About Me page. 

A CTA is an effective tool for generating leads by getting site visitors to provide their email addresses in exchange for products/services of value. For example, you can give a site visitor a free e-book or a free 30-minute consultation in exchange for his email address. 

Once a month, you can send your subscribers newsletters that give helpful tips, information, and advice on marketing. A recruiter who signs up for your newsletter will get to assess your qualification, knowledge, and skills as a marketer on a monthly basis. 

Now, imagine if 10 to 20 HR professionals signed up for your newsletter! Your website would create plenty of opportunities for you to get noticed by many companies that need a good marketer.

5. Create Streams of Revenue

Since a website is your business address on the Internet, why not start earning from it? 

You don’t have to wait to get hired by a big company to start earning a good income. The website can help create opportunities for you to create multiple streams of revenue.

  • Get hired as a freelance marketer; perfectly acceptable for HR professionals who understand we’re living in the “Gig Economy”.
  • Sell e-books, modules, and PDF manuals on various marketing topics. 
  • Become an affiliate marketer for other businesses. 
  • Include an e-portal where you can sell products and services.
  • Generate income from ad placements.

A recruiter who visits your website and notes its various activities will be curious enough to check out your social media pages by clicking on your social media buttons. 

If the recruiter is impressed by the sheer volume of followers and the level of engagement on your social media pages, no doubt that he would love for you to do the same for his company.

6. Become More Accessible

The Contact Us page of your website will make it easier for a recruiter to get in touch with you. 

You can also include forms that the recruiter can use to communicate with you faster. These contact forms will find their way into your Inbox and not your Spam folder. 

Another effective medium of communication is a chat plugin. For example, you can embed the code of a chat plugin that connects your website to your Facebook Messenger service. 

Every time someone posts a message on your chat feature, you’ll receive it on your Messenger page. This gives you an opportunity to engage the recruiter in real time. 


To gain credibility as a marketer, you must be well-versed in digital marketing. In a typical digital marketing toolbox, you’ll find standard processes such as Search Engine Optimization (SEO), social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, and video marketing. 

However, the center of the digital marketing universe is the website which provides a singular destination point for all the traffic you’ve created by using the tools of the trade.

Having a website puts you heads and shoulders above other job seekers who don’t have a website. It’s proof of your commitment to your career and it becomes a showroom where you can highlight your accomplishments in the field of marketing.

And it doesn’t cost much to build a website! 

Give us a call or drop us an email and we’ll give you a free 30-minute consultation on the type of website you need. Certainly, a website is one of the most valuable tools you must have in order to increase your chances of landing a well-paying marketing job. 

If you know of other marketers who’re looking to get hired right away, please feel free to share this article with them.


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5 Mistakes Your Website Is Making

We will explain the top 5 mistakes that most businesses make on their website. You might be wasting money on your website if you are making some of these mistakes.

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