Imagine a world where you can get anything you ask for without question. By “anything”, we mean information and having online tasks done. ChatGPT won’t give you a million dollars if you ask for it, but the AI will tell you how to earn seven figures. Since ChatGPT was...
Once a temporary solution, remote work has become a standard feature businesses can pull out of the productivity toolbox. In the US, 16% of companies are fully remote, 56% offer employees the opportunity for remote work, and 80% have incorporated a hybrid workforce...
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, the Internet of Things, robotics, cloud computing, and edge computing. These are just a handful of technological innovations that have gained popularity over the last few years. Technology is in a natural state of evolution...
Your first day at school. The first time you drove a car alone. Your first day at work. These events were life milestones that were preceded by some measure of fear – the dreaded “what ifs”. What if I fail my tests? What if I don’t win any friends? What if I...
A WordPress website is like a machine that’s powered by multiple components – the web host platform, the plugins, the software programs, and the templates. The website is an integral part of running a successful and profitable business. If it performs at optimal...
If you see a red flag waving on a beach, it’s a warning not to go into the water. It could be that predators were seen swimming near the shore or there’s an expected change in weather and the waters could get rough. Whatever the reason, the management of the beach...