Small business owners understand the value of marketing. They know it is important to promote the business’ products and services in order to gain traction for the company. However, given their status as a small-scale enterprise, they are constrained by limited...
Investing in a website is a step in the right direction. The operative word in our preceding statement is “investing”. It implies that you expect your investment to pay dividends in the future. Indeed, the website has come a long way. Before broadband, businesses set...
When it comes to website security, a little bit of paranoia can be a good thing. With the number of cyber attacks growing every year, we strongly advise our clients to prioritize website security best practices. The usual behavior is to act after an attack has...
If you Google “Slider Image”, most of the URLs listed on the SERP will tell you why you shouldn’t have it on your website. We are here to tell you otherwise. Setting up a slider image on your website can be your game changer. Contrary to its naysayers, the slider...
Maybe clothes do not make the man, but mobile will certainly make your website. If your website does not set up well or look good in mobile devices, you might be leaving money on the table. Mobile devices account for 57% of online traffic compared to 43% for desktop....