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Why Should Retail Locations Be Listed In Search Engines?

Why Should Retail Locations Be Listed In Search Engines?

Retail locations invest in marketing and promotional activities to get found. They will spend on traditional marketing collaterals such as press releases, print ads, and POPs or Point-of-Purchase materials. Likewise, many physical retailers will include a listing in the Yellow Pages so that people who need your particular products and services can easily find your location. However, in this age of the Internet and digital technology, if you have a physical retail location, you should consider being listed in search engines instead.

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Sales Channels: What They Are And Why Your Business Needs Them

Sales Channels: What They Are And Why Your Business Needs Them

A sales channel is the medium you use to sell your products or services. For example, a physical retailer of coffee beans would use a brick- and- mortar coffee shop to sell his products which would include raw materials and beverages. The coffee shop is his sales channel. On the other hand, the wholesaler of coffee beans would have the company’s distributors as the sales channels for its products.

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What Is The Value Of First Page Results?

What Is The Value Of First Page Results?

For years, some marketers proclaimed that Search Engine Optimization or SEO was dead. These marketers believed that organic search was no longer important because users were using other methods to find information such as paid ads and social media. The fact is, SEO is not dead. It is very much alive and in demand. SEO remains the number one online strategy to help businesses achieve the much-sought- after first page results. However, what is the true value of landing on the first page of the SERP?

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How To Read Your Google Analytics

How To Read Your Google Analytics

Google analytics is an online tool that we always tell our clients to have on their website. It is that important! Analytics is perhaps the biggest reason why digital marketing is more effective than traditional marketing methods. It gives you real time and highly-accurate data on your website’s performance.

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5 Signs Your Digital Marketing Agency is Ripping You Off

5 Signs Your Digital Marketing Agency is Ripping You Off

Digital Marketing is an effective way to promote your business. It is definitely a smart move to outsource your digital marketing to an agency. Even if you have the experience and expertise, your time is best allocated to managing key business functions. Digital marketing agencies not only have the experience and the expertise. They also have the right people to get the job done right. However, the industry is not insured against scammers. How do you know if you are getting ripped off by your Digital Marketing agency?

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What Is Your Leadership Style?

What Is Your Leadership Style?

Leadership is an important component of management. Without it, there is no organization or direction. Instead, there will be chaos and confusion. Decisions cannot be made because there is no accountability. That is why leadership is one of the most sought-after traits in management. Companies spend thousands of dollars on programs that can help develop leaders within the ranks.

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Why Email Marketing Is Very Much Alive

Why Email Marketing Is Very Much Alive

For years, marketers were anxious to sound the death knell for email marketing. It seemed to have become irrelevant; its reputation tarnished by shady Ponzi schemes and by cyber-criminals eager to plant their malicious programs into your network. Every year email marketing has proven its naysayers wrong. It remains a powerful tool for driving traffic and converting leads into sales. Email marketing is very much alive and should be part of your digital marketing strategy.

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5 Best Keyword Research Tools For 2018

5 Best Keyword Research Tools For 2018

If you think creating great content is all about comprehensive writing, perfect spelling, and grammar, you will be short-selling your efforts. Writing online content isn’t the same as writing a college term paper or a piece for the school newsletter. It’s about creating content that can be searched, indexed, and found by your target audience. In other words, your content needs to be optimized. And this is why you should use the best keyword research tools on the Internet.

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How To Build A Strong Network Of Leads And Referrals

How To Build A Strong Network Of Leads And Referrals

Success in business is all about having advantages. People invest in education so they can increase their value when they apply for a job. You could take up special certification courses to validate your qualifications. However, in a competitive industry, you need an asset that will optimize your skills, education, and experience. This asset is a strong network of leads and referrals.

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How To Start Content Marketing

How To Start Content Marketing

Search is the number one activity on the Internet. It all starts with a need to find information. The keywords you used to launch a query will open a results page with a list of URLs. Every URL you click onto will have content that could provide the answers to your query.

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WordPress Care Plans: Why You Need Them And What We Can Do For You

WordPress Care Plans: Why You Need Them And What We Can Do For You

WordPress is the most popular content management system in the world. More than 500 websites are built daily using WordPress and it has been the most dominant CMS the last eight years. Overall, WordPress runs nearly 30% of all websites operating on the Internet.

There’s a reason for this; and that is because WordPress is easy to use. Business owners can manage content on their own. They have their choice of plugins which they can use to improve design and functionality. Google loves WordPress websites because its code makes site content easy to read and index.

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8 Practical Tips When Designing Logos

8 Practical Tips When Designing Logos

After finalizing its trade name and having the enterprise registered, the next order of business is designing its logo. This is an important component of your branding strategy. A good logo is more than just a symbol. Properly designed, it will create immediate brand recall and lend valuable support to your messaging.

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10 Rules On Email Etiquette

10 Rules On Email Etiquette

Texting may be the most popular form of communication, but when it comes to business, email is king. It should be no surprise that there are more email accounts in the world than there are subscribers to Facebook and Twitter combined.

What makes email so popular? It is fast, easy, convenient, and delivers communication in real time. You can attach files such as scanned documents, images, and spreadsheets. Best of all, it is a free service!

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Different Styles Of Web Page Designs

Different Styles Of Web Page Designs

There are almost two billion websites on the Internet. If you see similarities between certain websites, it is because some use prepared template designs. These are downloadable website templates where the layout and structure have already been established.

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7 Best Practices For Effective Email Marketing

7 Best Practices For Effective Email Marketing

Email is the comet that rendered the typewriter extinct. It made the fax machine redundant; regular mail older and slower. Because of email, real-time communication became possible. Work became more efficient and productivity soared. You could get more tasks done in less time and at lower costs. It opened a digital avenue where you can directly communicate with your target market. This is why email marketing is such an effective tool for achieving business goals.

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Why Reading Is Important For Business Leaders

Why Reading Is Important For Business Leaders

Whether you are an entrepreneur or an employee, every day you put your best foot forward so you can come closer to realizing your career goals. You’ve identified the tasks you need to accomplish, scheduled meetings, and set time in the day to prepare all the needed reports. You may have forgotten an important item on the agenda.

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How To Get The Best Results When Using Video For Social Media And Blogs

How To Get The Best Results When Using Video For Social Media And Blogs

The fact that video content amplifies the effectiveness of digital marketing should not come as a surprise. After all, as digital technology evolves, multimedia becomes a more entertaining experience for users. However, with the wrong approach, your video content could fail to deliver the desired results.

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Why You Need To Make Sure You Own Your Website’s Assets

Why You Need To Make Sure You Own Your Website’s Assets

Do you own your website? It may sound like a counter-intuitive question. After all, the website is for your business and you paid for it. It follows that with an exchange of currency for services comes ownership. The rules of buy and sell are very much black and white when it comes to goods and services. However, the area of ownership gets grayer when it comes to website design.

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Why You Should Never Host Your Own Videos On Your Website

Why You Should Never Host Your Own Videos On Your Website

Video content is essential for your business marketing strategy because it brings your brand to life. Unlike text-based content, video appeals to multiple senses: sight, sound, and feel. It is a great medium for delivering your branded value proposition. More businesses are allocating resources to video marketing. It is estimated that by 2019, 80% of online content will be done through the medium of video.

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