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Is Your Website Costing You Business?

Is Your Website Costing You Business?

Investing in a website is a step in the right direction. The operative word in our preceding statement is “investing”. It implies that you expect your investment to pay dividends in the future. Indeed, the website has come a long way.

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8 Website Vulnerabilities You Should Be Aware Of

8 Website Vulnerabilities You Should Be Aware Of

When it comes to website security, a little bit of paranoia can be a good thing. With the number of cyber attacks growing every year, we strongly advise our clients to prioritize website security best practices. The usual behavior is to act after an attack has occurred. By then, it might be too late. The damage to your business may be beyond repair. Your website is always vulnerable to cyber threats. It’s not a question of “if”, rather, it’s a question of “when”.

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Why A Slider Image On Your Website Is More Important Than Your Logo

Why A Slider Image On Your Website Is More Important Than Your Logo

If you Google “Slider Image”, most of the URLs listed on the SERP will tell you why you shouldn’t have it on your website. We are here to tell you otherwise. Setting up a slider image on your website can be your game changer. Contrary to its naysayers, the slider image can improve User Experience (UX). It can help you achieve your digital marketing goals. Done correctly, it can give your website a boost up the website rankings. In many ways, the slider is the most important image on your website. It is more important than your logo.

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What Does Your Website Look Like To Mobile Users?

What Does Your Website Look Like To Mobile Users?

Maybe clothes do not make the man, but mobile will certainly make your website. If your website does not set up well or look good in mobile devices, you might be leaving money on the table.

Mobile devices account for 57% of online traffic compared to 43% for desktop. Globally, smartphones alone account for 52.2% of online traffic.

Consumers will depend on their mobile devices, particularly the smartphone, to account for their daily needs. Whether they are searching for products or services, they will use their mobile device to find the information they need.

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What Are The Best Resources For Self-Directed Leadership Development?

What Are The Best Resources For Self-Directed Leadership Development?

Whether you believe leaders are born or made, one thing is very clear. Leadership is a skill. Like all skills, you must continually work on it in order to become a better and more proficient leader. You need tools to help you stay sharp. These tools are resources with the necessary information that will further your development as a leader.  

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How To Make Time Spent With Email More Productive

How To Make Time Spent With Email More Productive

Communication is one of the most important areas of business. Missed correspondences can often lead to missed opportunities. A slow response time may also leave an unfavorable impression on your level of professionalism. This is why reading and responding to emails are part of our daily routine. In the digital age, email has become the primary medium of communication.

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Top 7 Tips For Productivity

Top 7 Tips For Productivity

Are you working on your business? Or are you working for your business? If you are spending more time pushing pencils than acting on tasks that add to your bottom-line, then you are working more like an employee than an owner of a business. Yes, we have to check our emails, manage our weekly calendar, and take phone calls. However, as important as these functions are, attending to them does not constitute productivity.

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Mountaintop Web Design Climbs to the Top of Clutch’s List of Denver SEO & Design Agencies

Mountaintop Web Design Climbs to the Top of Clutch’s List of Denver SEO & Design Agencies

At Mountaintop Web Design, we pride ourselves in our commitment to delivering quality solutions for businesses all over the world, regardless of size and industry. We work hard to make sure our clients see the results they expect from our team, and it’s with great excitement that we reveal our hard work has caught the eye of one of the world’s leading resources for verified online reviews: Clutch.co.

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Is Google Punishing Sites Without SSL Certificates?

Is Google Punishing Sites Without SSL Certificates?

Yes. Google is punishing websites without SSL certificates. Not only will not having SSL certificates mark you down in the search rankings. Google’s approach will negatively impact your trust rating with Internet users. Therefore, if your website does not have SSL certificates, take the necessary steps to get them as soon as you can.
The question is “Why?”

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How Can Retail Locations Benefit From A Strong Local Presence?

How Can Retail Locations Benefit From A Strong Local Presence?

Digital technology and the Internet have made it easier for retail locations to be found by customers. Before broadband technology made the Internet accessible to everyone on the planet, it was hard for consumers to find businesses that had what they needed. Your fingers would get tired walking through the Yellow Pages. You would have to waste precious time burning the telephone lines calling one retailer after another. With the Internet, it became much easier to build a strong local presence.

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Why You Need To Set Aside Time For Rest And Relaxation

Why You Need To Set Aside Time For Rest And Relaxation

Let’s start out with a news flash: Stress is good for you!

Stress is your body’s natural reaction when you are faced with a pressure situation. Your body releases stress hormones called cortisol which functions to improve performance. When the adrenal glands release cortisol, your senses become heightened. You are more focused and your reaction time is faster.

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Why Should Retail Locations Be Listed In Search Engines?

Why Should Retail Locations Be Listed In Search Engines?

Retail locations invest in marketing and promotional activities to get found. They will spend on traditional marketing collaterals such as press releases, print ads, and POPs or Point-of-Purchase materials. Likewise, many physical retailers will include a listing in the Yellow Pages so that people who need your particular products and services can easily find your location. However, in this age of the Internet and digital technology, if you have a physical retail location, you should consider being listed in search engines instead.

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Sales Channels: What They Are And Why Your Business Needs Them

Sales Channels: What They Are And Why Your Business Needs Them

A sales channel is the medium you use to sell your products or services. For example, a physical retailer of coffee beans would use a brick- and- mortar coffee shop to sell his products which would include raw materials and beverages. The coffee shop is his sales channel. On the other hand, the wholesaler of coffee beans would have the company’s distributors as the sales channels for its products.

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What Is The Value Of First Page Results?

What Is The Value Of First Page Results?

For years, some marketers proclaimed that Search Engine Optimization or SEO was dead. These marketers believed that organic search was no longer important because users were using other methods to find information such as paid ads and social media. The fact is, SEO is not dead. It is very much alive and in demand. SEO remains the number one online strategy to help businesses achieve the much-sought- after first page results. However, what is the true value of landing on the first page of the SERP?

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How To Read Your Google Analytics

How To Read Your Google Analytics

Google analytics is an online tool that we always tell our clients to have on their website. It is that important! Analytics is perhaps the biggest reason why digital marketing is more effective than traditional marketing methods. It gives you real time and highly-accurate data on your website’s performance.

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5 Signs Your Digital Marketing Agency is Ripping You Off

5 Signs Your Digital Marketing Agency is Ripping You Off

Digital Marketing is an effective way to promote your business. It is definitely a smart move to outsource your digital marketing to an agency. Even if you have the experience and expertise, your time is best allocated to managing key business functions. Digital marketing agencies not only have the experience and the expertise. They also have the right people to get the job done right. However, the industry is not insured against scammers. How do you know if you are getting ripped off by your Digital Marketing agency?

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What Is Your Leadership Style?

What Is Your Leadership Style?

Leadership is an important component of management. Without it, there is no organization or direction. Instead, there will be chaos and confusion. Decisions cannot be made because there is no accountability. That is why leadership is one of the most sought-after traits in management. Companies spend thousands of dollars on programs that can help develop leaders within the ranks.

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Why Email Marketing Is Very Much Alive

Why Email Marketing Is Very Much Alive

For years, marketers were anxious to sound the death knell for email marketing. It seemed to have become irrelevant; its reputation tarnished by shady Ponzi schemes and by cyber-criminals eager to plant their malicious programs into your network. Every year email marketing has proven its naysayers wrong. It remains a powerful tool for driving traffic and converting leads into sales. Email marketing is very much alive and should be part of your digital marketing strategy.

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